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On-Demand Webinar

Customizing Tax Clarity® to Fit Your Practice

Real Insights From Tax Clarity Subscribers

We could tell you how great Tax Clarity is, but sometimes you want to hear directly from another advisor who is using it in their practice. That's why we created a new guest webinar series. Hear insights from real Tax Clarity subscribers who love the software, use it regularly and tailor it to their practice. 

Watch this webinar from Tax Clarity subscriber Bert Salazar, CFEI, LUTCF, CTC to learn how you can tailor the software to your own practice, add more value to your clients,  and even increase revenue.

In this webinar you will learn how to:

  1. Tailor the Tax Clarity “Taxes in Retirement” seminar presentation to your own practice
  2. Convert seminar attendees into prospects
  3. Use Tax Clarity to creatively market your practice
  4. Use Tax Clarity to maximize business opportunities
