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Retirement Delivered Webinar Series

The first of the 7-part webinar series took place on on March 14th where Joe Elsasser, CFP®, President and Founder of Covisum, covered:

  • How to tie Social Security planning, tax-efficient retirement withdrawals and risk management into a cohesive picture that answers the big questions that deliver a confident transition into retirement. You'll leave with a framework that can be easily explained to clients, and implemented with a variety of different software tools (though we humbly believe ours is the most efficient!)
  • Why this process has been central to the achievement of 3 consecutive years of NPS scores over 80 (compared to an industry average of 40) and annual client referral rates above 10%.
  • How the next 6 sessions that dive deeper into individual components of the process can have a dramatic impact on your practice in 2024.  

The 7-part series takes place on the second Thursday of the month through September at 11 AM Central. If you are not registered for the live webinar series, register now!

Please note that the live versions of future webinars will be available to all advisors, but the recordings will only be available to our software subscribers. 

