
A Proven Process for Retirement Income Planning Financial Advisors

As a financial advisor who focuses on retirement income planning, you know that delivering value to your clients is essential to your success. The market is saturated with ineffective software and tools, so how can advisors showcase the value they deliver? The most successful advisors are showcasing their value through clear reporting, high-quality service, and by demonstrating their expertise. Covisum can help. 

Providing Value to Clients is Essential to Succeed

What if there was a solution that could provide you with a proven process that delivers value to your clients and expert support to you? What if you could get marketing materials to help you grow your business? And what if you could do all of this without being tied to a contract?

Imagine being able to confidently offer your clients a retirement income plan that meets their unique needs and goals. But that's table stakes. Our advisors tell us they've added $100 million in business in the last year and credited our software and support for making it possible. That’s the value of a financial advisor using Covisum’s retirement income planning platform.

Picture yourself with more time and energy to focus on growing your business, knowing that you have the support and tools you need to succeed. Think about the satisfaction of having happy clients who refer you to their friends and family.

From Free Trial to Financial Plan

Every advisor is offered a 10-day, no obligation free trial before they subscribe. During the trial, you get full access to the software. You can run a real report for a real client if you want — or just run test cases. But once you begin generating reports for your clients, you'll experience a significant impact. Our subscribers have reported delivering added value of $100,000 or more to their clients' retirement income strategies on a regular basis. It's easy to explain to a client that your service are worth the fees they pay when you can show that you've added that kind of impact to their bottom line!

Moreover, when clients see that you've added significant value to their plan, they are likely to be pleasantly surprised and more inclined to refer you to their friends and family. By proving yourself as a trusted expert who delivers value, you can earn their loyalty and recommendations. 

Covisum offers software solutions built on a proven process that provides value to your clients, expert support for financial advisors, and marketing materials to help you grow your business. The best part? There's no contract required, so you can feel confident in using Covisum's software and know you're not tied down to a long-term commitment. Now you've got successful process that is worthy of referrals.

Three Wows: Delivering Value Along the Way

Covisum's proven process is designed to deliver three distinct "wows" to our subscribers.

  1. The first "wow" comes during the free trial period when financial advisors see the value of using Covisum software.
  2. The second "wow" happens within 90 days of subscribing to our software. You should have presented a plan to at least one client using Covisum's software by then. This is when your clients see the value of the plan.
  3. The third "wow" comes within the first year of your subscription when clients provide unsolicited referrals. 

A Systematic Process for Delivering Value

With Covisum, financial advisors can offer clients retirement income plans that meet their unique needs and goals. Advisors can also enjoy more time and energy to focus on growing their business, knowing they have all the necessary support and tools. Unsolicited referrals are a result of your reputation and the relationships you build with your clients over time. By consistently delivering excellent service and keeping in touch with your clients, you can increase the likelihood of receiving unsolicited referrals. Referrals from happy clients can help build trust with potential clients and may require less effort to convert them into paying clients, making it a valuable source of business growth for financial advisors.

Providing value to clients is essential for financial advisors specializing in retirement income planning. Covisum's software offers a perfect solution to meet this need.

Try the software for free today and experience the three distinct "wows" for yourself.