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What Is Covisum’s Retirement Income Planning Software Suite?

Your services are valuable. Each aspect of Covisum’s suite of retirement income planning software — Income InSight®, Social Security Timing®, Tax Clarity®, and SmartRisk  — will showcase the value of your financial expertise. These software programs can be used together to help advisors create multiple retirement income options for clients based on different tax scenarios, current and future income, and current or projected economic environments.

The result? A comprehensive retirement income strategy that your clients will love.

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  1. Try Covisum’s software suite for 10 days at no cost.
  2. Enter your client’s information.
  3. Let the software handle the work for you.
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Income InSight®
Income InSight can help you navigate multiple retirement income streams and create more valuable strategies with side-by-side comparisons, stress tests, Roth conversions, and year-by-year cash flow analyses.
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Social Security Timing®
Create more valuable Social Security benefit strategies (up to $100,000+), view and compare alternate plans side-by-side, and indicate which approach produces the best result over every life expectancy with Social Security Timing.
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Tax Clarity®
Strengthen your value to clients by showing ways to make even smarter decisions about when to perform Roth conversions, realize income or gain, and more with Tax Clarity.
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SmartRisk technology utilizes heavy-tailed risk models and a unique asset interaction report to give advisors actionable investment insights.
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Covisum's software suite provides financial advisors with the tools to attract a new clients or add services for existing clients.

On-Screen + PDF Reports
Generate quick, accurate, and easy client reports. Use the tools on-screen or download and share PDF reports.
Side-By-Side Comparisons
The most impactful report is a before-and-after comparison. Show clients alternate strategies, cash flow analyses, stress tests, and the value of insurance products.
Tax Traps + Opportunities
Calculate the effective marginal tax rate and gain insight into unseen opportunities to add dollars to a retirement strategy. Add Tax Clarity.
Roth Conversions
Quickly and easily identify Roth conversion opportunities with Tax Clarity and show clients how the value they can add to their retirement with Income InSight.
Investment Risk Analysis
Show portfolio comparisons, risk alerts, household views of accounts, and demonstrate overall risk to clients in dollars. Add SmartRisk.
Deep Integration Between Tools
Income InSight, Social Security Timing, Tax Clarity, and SmartRisk work together to help you build smarter retirement income plans.

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