Financial services are an increasingly tech-driven industry. As a financial advisor moving into 2021, technology will be your foundation for reaching new clients and retaining your existing ones. Being able to demonstrate value virtually has become fundamental to not only growth, but customer retention. The new digital approach to consumer decision-making may be overwhelming to financial advisors who have long relied on traditional methods of attracting new customers.

If you haven’t already, move into 2021 ready to engage clients and prospects through email, social media, online account management, and other digital channels. Seek out marketing platforms, tools, and resources that automate some of these processes and amplify your impact – or seek the help of a marketing agency that can handle this work for you.

Read this Perspectives Magazine article by our Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Katie Godbout, for a closer look at how advisors should plan to market their practice as we head into a new year.