
How should advisors prep for a crash?

Joe Elsasser, CFP® and Ron Piccinini, PhD were recently featured in a ThinkAdvisor article, "The Advisor and the Quant: How Should Advisors Prep for a Crash?"

We asked both Joe and Ron to answer this question:

A market crash is inevitable, what should advisors and their clients do now to be prepared?

In an ongoing series exclusive to ThinkAdvisor, Joe and Ron will continue to provide readers with two distinct perspectives on the same topic – one from an academic, the other from a practicing financial advisor. 

In the January 24, 2018 piece, Joe responded with:

It is inevitable that another bear market will happen. If history is any indication, the likelihood is that it’s coming sooner, rather than later. The last thing 65-year-old me wants to do is watch the market dip to the point that I have to make major adjustments to my lifestyle, or possibly worse, sell out of my investments and forfeit the ability to recover.

See the rest of what Joe said and read Ron's response in the full article from ThinkAdvisor here