April is National Social Security Month, and there’s no better time to demonstrate to clients and prospects the value of a smart Social Security claiming decision. While claiming Social Security may seem straightforward to many retirees, you know that additional benefits and income sources can make this process significantly more complicated. National Social Security Month is a great time to educate those nearing retirement about spousal benefits, taxable Social Security, the earnings test and more.

Getting Started

If you haven’t been sending educational content to clients through emails or via newsletter, now is the time to start. Creating helpful, educational content will position you as an expert and strengthen your clients’ trust in you. National Social Security Month is the perfect opportunity to shed some light on the more confusing facets of Social Security.

How to create strong Social Security content:

  • Make a list of the most common questions clients have about Social Security. Pick one or two to focus on at a time.
  • Write an article(s) answering the one or two questions you’ve selected. Make sure you link to strong outside sources. This both reinforces your credibility and improves search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Include a short paragraph in your email or newsletter and link to the full article on your website.
  • Send the email/newsletter and track engagement.
  • Include a call to action at the end of the article asking readers to schedule time on your calendar if they’d like to discuss the topic further.

Download Seven Tips to Master Email Marketing

Attracting Prospects with a Social Security Webinar

Hosting an educational Social Security webinar during Social Security Awareness Month is a great way to attract new clients. Over the last few years, many people have become accustomed to using web-based platforms like Zoom or GotoWebinar. These platforms make scheduling webinars quick and easy.

Once you schedule the webinar, add the event information to your website. Include a brief overview of the presentation and the event logistics. Make sure it’s easy to understand and simple to register.

A subscription to Social Security Timing® includes free access to a consumer-facing Social Security and Retirement Income PowerPoint Presentation.

Webinar Promotion

Promoting your event is key. Consider creating a series of short emails to encourage folks to register. When promoting an event through email, it’s important to remember some best practices.

  • Keep your subject lines short and include action-oriented language.
  • Be brief.
  • Write content that resonates.
  • Make your call-to-action clear.

Spread the emails out over a few weeks, so you aren’t bombarding your email list. Make sure you change the content, at least slightly in every email. One smart tip is to pretend you’re talking to your favorite client. What language would you use to invite them to this webinar?

You should also promote your webinar on your social media pages. Did you know that over one-third of Facebook users are 45 and older? Facebook is a great place to promote your Social Security webinar. Create an event on your Facebook page. Include eye-catching graphics or 1-minute videos inviting folks to register. Most importantly, include the link to register in the post itself.

Promote the event across your firm’s social channels, but make sure you change the language depending on the platform. LinkedIn is typically more formal and Twitter has a word limit, so you want to make sure your strategic and tailor your messaging.


Following Up

Following up with registrants is essential for booking appointments. Consider recording the webinar and sending the link to everyone who registered and include a free “gift” like a Social Security download. Remember, you still want to focus on educating folks about Social Security. Offer to answer any remaining questions, and make sure it’s quick and easy to book time with you. This will help you become a trusted resource.


Use the Right Financial Planning Software

Many retirees are unaware of the complexity surrounding claiming Social Security benefits. Our Social Security Timing software makes determining the optimal time to claim benefits quick and easy. See the exact year and month the client should claim based on their unique situation. Other income streams and multiple benefits can complicate a claiming decision. Social Security Timing accounts for those factors and ensures that your client is accessing the full benefit they are entitled to. Eye-catching and easy-to-understand visuals make explaining different claiming strategies easy and the “What’s at stake?” feature shows your clients exactly how much is on the line.

Plus, we know that marketing takes a lot of time and effort. Social Security Timing subscribers receive free Social Security-related marketing materials with their subscription. Subscribe today to download free email templates, social media posts, and an educational Social Security PowerPoint and highlight your Social Security planning skills during Social Security Awareness Month.


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