A Note from the President
Covisum Founder and President, Joe Elsasser, CFP®, highlights some of Covisum's best and biggest moments from the past year and what subscribers can look forward to in 2020.
A Look Back at 2019
Here we are right at the end of 2019 and it's been an incredible year for us at Covisum®. Thank you so much for being on the journey with us. You know, when we were sitting here a year ago, we had three distinct tools: Social Security Timing®, Tax Clarity® and SmartRisk™. And the only interaction between any of those three tools was a single sign-on between them. At this time last year, we finalized plans to launch Income InSight®, our overall retirement income planning tool, and unify all three of those tools in a single portal. You saw that happen this year. Now, when you enter a client into one tool, all the same data is available to populate a Social Security Timing report or a Tax Clarity report or jump directly into Income InSight. And that's so important because it represents how your clients relate to you.
Rarely, unless there are referrals, do clients come into your office with the full stack of everything they're doing financially, plop it on your desk and say, what are the best things I can do? Instead, they come in because they need to know what to do about Social Security, or they're bothered by their tax bill. They feel like they're missing something or they're wondering whether or not they're going to get clobbered in the next market downturn. Now, ultimately, our job as advisors is to help them with that one question, to deliver that value, but then to transition into a broader value proposition. And that is the holistic plan that you're able to deliver with Income InSight. So that was a really exciting step for us. It represents a move that we've been looking forward to making for years that came to fruition in 2019.
The second big move, if you looked around in any of the videos that you've seen lately, was a change of scenery. We've grown. We needed the additional space. And we added to customer support, customer success, and our development team, all with the goal of serving you better.
A Look Forward at 2020
Some of the best things that we've been able to bring to fruition in the software came from users like you. I would love it if you can continue to engage us by asking for the things that are going to be relevant to your practice. Those requests become our fuel. Now, here we are on the edge of 2020 and we're really looking forward to improving the user experience, helping you deliver answers to your clients' most pressing questions as cleanly as possible and helping you make easy transitions from the one question that brought them to your office to the broader financial plan. Deliver more value than they expected when they walked in your door because, ultimately, that is the recipe for customer success. When you can deliver on the value you promised and then deliver additional unexpected value, you create raving fans. And that's what we want to help you do in 2020.
Our second major goal in 2020 is to help you amplify that message, to help you amplify the value that you're able to deliver to clients in ways that we haven't in the past. Ultimately, your services are most valuable when you see people and when those people have the exact need that you're able to fulfill. And when you are able to coach them in such a way that they actually do it. That's where we deliver value to the community. It's where you grow your business. That's where we expect to put a lot of effort in 2020.
So, thank you again for being on the journey with us, and we look forward to a fantastic 2020 together!