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    Roth conversions

    Better Roth Conversions with Income InSight®

    By now, financial advisors are keen on the idea that Roth conversions can be a very good thing for their clients and their financial planning practice. Why?


    Roth Conversions Without Non-qualified Money to Pay the Taxes

    Roth conversions are a great way to ensure clients aren't hit with a hefty tax bill in retirement; however, sometimes, clients don't have any non-qualified or non-IRA money to pay the immediate taxes on the conversion. So, are Roth conversions still a smart tax strategy for those situations? Absolutely!

    lead generation

    Financial Advisor Lead Generation Tips You’ll Want to Try Right Now

    Historically, financial advisors have relied on word of mouth and cold-calling to generate new leads and grow their business, but consumer preferences have changed. Today’s consumers generally don’t respond well—if at all—to cold calls, and online business reviews have become the new word of mouth.

    FinPlan Fridays

    How Looming Tax Changes Should Influence Your Retirement Tax Planning

    In the absence of Congressional action, multiple provisions of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) will expire at the end of 2025, and tax rules will revert to what they were before the legislation. The TCJA reduced specific tax brackets and increased the standard deduction. Certain charitable gift deductions moved from 50% to 60%. Additionally, the personal exemption phase-out and the limitation on itemized deductions for some filers were eliminated. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act simplified many aspects of tax planning and created opportunities. As a result, some tax techniques are more effective now than in the past.

    The New Social Security Trustees Report May Impact Retirement Income Planning

    If you haven't already, it's essential to take the time to familiarize yourself with the latest Social Security Trustees report. The solvency issues are a significant concern for people on the cusp of retirement today since the depletion date outlined in the report, 2034, is well within their life expectancy. As you're discussing Social Security benefits and how they fit in the context of the retirement strategy, it's important to note that the Social Security trust fund is scheduled to run out soon in the absence of any congressional action. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you're planning.

    financial advisor

    Retirement Income Planning Can Be an Advisor’s Road Map to Growth

    I’m sure you spend loads of time figuring out financials for your clients. But, when was the last time you spent the same amount of time on your business? Building a road map for your business is crucial, especially if you own, operate, or work for a small-to-medium-sized RIA.

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